Sunday, October 5, 2008

Play Time

Here are some fun pictures of the boys playing. They are now cooing and laughing more and more each day.

The top two pictures are of Blake and the bottom two are of Aiden


Chase-Man said...

I cannot believe how big they both look. Seriously, it hasn't been that long since I have seen them! Cute, Cute, Cute! :)

Anonymous said...

They are both getting so big! I can not wait until baby Jake gets here so they can show him the ropes! - Katie I

Brian and Jeni said...

I just love them... I agree with Jill, they look so big and it has only been like a week since I have seen them. Blake is doing well, holding up his head and little Aiden, I love his smiles. Can't wait to hang out.

Anonymous said...

Nan and Grandad Alan are so proud of these boys AND their mom and dad!! GREAT PICTURES!! Love u all!!!

Anonymous said...

Aiden & Blake are such good babies. When they look at you with those blue eyes, smile at you with their cute little mouths and talk to you in their own special way, you can't help but feel an over abundance of love for these little guys.
Love & Hugs.