Friday, December 19, 2008

Meeting Santa

Last weekend our neighbors, Jim and Barb, had a Christmas open house where Santa comes every year to visit. So the boys got to meet Santa for the first time. They did really well and no tears were shed. Here are some pictures of their visit with Santa.

Here is a picture with Jim and Barb's son, John, Aiden and Blake. John was born 10 days before the boys and they all stayed together for a short time in the special care nursery.

John, Santa, Aiden, and Blake
Everyone needs a nap after all that excitement!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Well, it was our first Thanksgiving as a family of four. Good thing Aiden and Blake still only eat cereal and formula, I can't wait to see what next year brings! This year we started at my Aunt Donna's and Uncle Gary's house for dinner #1 with Nan, Grand dad Alan, Kat and Dan. Then we went to Grandma and Grandpa Byrne's for dinner #2.

What a studly crew!
Blake and Aiden

Great Uncle Gary and Aiden.
Great Aunt Donna making Blake laugh

Uncle Adam and Blake
Grandpa and Aiden watching the football game.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Starting Rice Cereal

The boys are now getting to eat rice cereal from a SPOON!!! Of course I am pretty sure that most of it ended up on their bib this first time.

What a face...
What a mess we made!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Aiden and Blake were Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Dr Seuss's Cat in the Hat for Halloween. The tolerated the outfits well, especially the wigs (I made them, so please no comments). Here the boys are getting ready for the evening- to make the rounds to visit some family and friends.

Our first stop was Crystal City to see Great-Grammy, Great Aunt Donna, Great Uncle Gary, Kat, Dan, Darren, Cindy, Brendan and Chase.
Here are the boys with their Great Grammy- Blake above and Aiden below

Blake is just hanging out...
After out trip to Crystal City, we headed to Grandpa and Grandma Byrne's. Blake was a little tired at this point and a bit crabby so he stayed inside and fell asleep. Meanwhile, Aiden was outside partying it up with everyone else!
Grandpa Byrne, Aiden and Grandma Byrne
After a long and busy night, the boys were ready for Bed...

Crystal City Football

Jason, Aiden, Blake and I made a trip down to Crystal City to watch Dan, our cousin, play in his last home football game. Of course it was quite chilly that night, so we had to bundle up the boys.

Dan is #28
Here the boys are getting ready at Great-Grammy's house.

"We are ready to head to the game!"
Well, Aiden and Blake did not last very long watching the game (only the first few minutes)



Monday, October 27, 2008

This past Saturday, Grandma and Grandpa Byrne got dressed up for Halloween for one of the soccer leagues they are involved in. So that afternoon, they stopped by to show Aiden and Blake their costumes.

Grandma was dressed as a pumpkin.
Grandpa was dressed up as Shrek...the boys weren't sure what to think.

Pumpkin Carving

After getting home from Eckerts, we had a big pot of chili and Jeni made apple crisp for desert. Once Aiden and Blake went to bed, Jason, Brian and Phil were on a mission to find patterns to carve the pumpkins.

Chase helped clean out the pumpkins, but decided it was too gooey to pick out the seeds so he had to use a spoon.
The finished product.

Apple Picking

On Sunday, 10-19, we made a trip to Eckert's Farm to pick apples and get our pumpkin for Halloween. The weather was great that day. With the cool breeze and a slow tracker ride, the boys were able to catch some zzz's.

Here's the crew: Phil, Chase, Jill, Brian, Jeni, Aiden, Hillary, Jason, Blake, and Katie!
Jason and I used the Baby Bjorn's for the first time, they worked out great. Brain and Jeni found two small apples for Aiden and Blake
Here are the girls waiting for the guys to pull the truck around
The end of a long day, the boys seemed to really enjoy themselves.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Play Time

Here are some fun pictures of the boys playing. They are now cooing and laughing more and more each day.

The top two pictures are of Blake and the bottom two are of Aiden

Weekend Visitors

This weekend Nan and Granddad Perkins made the trip to STL to spend some time with the boys. We had a great time.

Nan with Aiden

Granddad Alan with Blake
Nan helping out with the bedtime bath
On Sunday, we had family over for lunch and posed for some pictures. The dogs caused more problems than Aiden and Blake.