Tuesday, February 19, 2008


With a second round of ultrasound pictures indicating that both of the babies are in fact boys, we decided it was officially time to tackle the task of registering. We got on each others nerves when we registered for our wedding, so we were a little nervous about how this would go, especially with the twins making it extra overwhelming. All went well until it came time to pick out car seats and a double stroller. It turns out finding a double stroller with matching car seats that we both liked, was darn near impossible. Have no fear, we have found a few options on the internet and they will be added to our Babies R Us registry very soon but have to be purchased online. It was pretty amazing, we registered for about 3 hours, and only about 20 minutes was after the stroller search...can you tell a little frustration was settling in!?!?!?!

Anyway, it's all good now, and we did register for some really cool stuff. Check it out at the following link:

We chose not to register for any clothes and not very many toys or books, as we thought that would be more fun to be surprised at Hillary's showers should anyone choose. It's all so cute it's hard to resist!


Anonymous said...

By the way, nervous is spelled with a u, not nervos. For an attorney that can spell visit

Anonymous said...

Good job. Way to fix it. Caught shoplifing? Visit to keep your record clean!

Anonymous said...

Apparently thelaw doesn't know how to spell correctly either. You forgot the "t" in shoplifting.

Anonymous said...

Good job registering.
I hope to do a lot of babysitting. Is there such a thing as a "grandparents' shower" ??

Anonymous said...

Shenanigans! I deny everything! Someone must have altered my post!