Tuesday, February 19, 2008


With a second round of ultrasound pictures indicating that both of the babies are in fact boys, we decided it was officially time to tackle the task of registering. We got on each others nerves when we registered for our wedding, so we were a little nervous about how this would go, especially with the twins making it extra overwhelming. All went well until it came time to pick out car seats and a double stroller. It turns out finding a double stroller with matching car seats that we both liked, was darn near impossible. Have no fear, we have found a few options on the internet and they will be added to our Babies R Us registry very soon but have to be purchased online. It was pretty amazing, we registered for about 3 hours, and only about 20 minutes was after the stroller search...can you tell a little frustration was settling in!?!?!?!

Anyway, it's all good now, and we did register for some really cool stuff. Check it out at the following link:

We chose not to register for any clothes and not very many toys or books, as we thought that would be more fun to be surprised at Hillary's showers should anyone choose. It's all so cute it's hard to resist!

New Ultrasound Pics

Finally, we have pics to replace the ones that I lost!

Like most ultrasound pics, these are tough to figure out, but if you look hard enough you might be able to pick out a couple of legs, and maybe a head. I remain hopeful that they will take after Hillary rather than being over weight and out of shape with a receding hairline like their daddy...just kidding!

Here are a few pics of Baby A

Can't forget about some pics of Baby B...if you look closely Baby A makes a cameo in the first picture laying underneath Baby B.

Our next ultrasound is one March 5th, save the date!

Thursday, February 7, 2008


The excitement of finding out about the twins was quickly followed by anxiety about the genders of the two little ones. We both thought it would be great to find out that we were expecting a baby boy and a baby girl...the best of both worlds. Unlike most couples who find out the sexes of their children at 20 weeks, we were blessed to find out at 14 weeks. Since we are expecting twins, we have to go for ultrasounds every 3 weeks, which made it possible to find out a bit early.

We thought it would be fun to have a couple friends over to break the news about what we were expecting.

Those ultrasound pictures look pretty neat don't they??? Well, we would love to show them to you here on the blog but I (Jason) am getting parenting off to a great start by losing the pictures somewhere between work and home. Don't worry though. We go to the doc every three weeks so we will have updated ultrasound pictures very soon...we promise.

Oh by the's TWO BOYS!!!!

Breaking The News

Having the chance to tell our families this exciting news was incredible, but we still had to wait a bit longer to break the news to our extended family and friends. However, since we waited until Christmas to tell our families, we were far enough into the pregnancy that we only had to wait a little longer to start telling everyone else. Plus, take look at this sonogram. No you aren't seeing things, and no your monitor is not projecting a mirror's TWINS!!!

Now this totally made breaking the news worth waiting for. Not only did we get to tell everyone we were pregnant, but pregnant times two. Of course, we were a bit intimidated when the nurse told us we had two on the way, but the nervous feeling was quickly replaced with pure excitement.