Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Dino Potty

We have officially completed our first room dedicated to the two new additions...the Dinosaur Bathroom. This turned out to be a fairly easy project as we already had the bathroom painted a shade of blue that matched all of the accessories perfectly. Eventually, we would like to replace the flooring, but don't foresee that happening before the boys arrive. Check out the pics below:

We are inching closer and closer to finishing our basement remodel that began prior to the pregnancy, and guess what's next...the nursery! Of course, we will be sure to keep everyone up to date on the progress once we get started

Mommy's Belly Update

As promised, here is an updated side profile photo of Hillary taken on Easter Sunday after we got home form visiting our families. Those boys are definitely growing in there, but she is just as beautiful as ever, and you can tell her I said that!

Spring Has Sprung

Last week, I was lucky enough to take off work Thursday and was off on Friday due to the holiday, so we had a few friends over for a small BBQ. One of Hillary's best friends from high school, Rachel, was in town and able to join us as well. It is so funny when people stop by that haven't seen Hillary since she got pregnant. She couldn't believe it!

Rachel, Mommy, Jill and Jeni

Phil and Chase

He is so excited to teach the boys how to play!

Monday, March 17, 2008

They're On The Move

WOW...I finally got to feel the boys move!!!

Hillary woke me up around 5:30 on Sunday morning to ask if it was OK to turn the TV on because she was bored. Why would she ask? The remote was on my side of the bed, of course. So while watching who knows what at way too early, she reached over, grabbed my hand, and put it onto her belly. I thought I felt something, but couldn't really be sure.

Then, on the way to work this morning, again way too early in the morning, she grabbed my hand and placed it on her stomach...holy cow!!! I think we can officially say that those are going to be some good soccer players.

So that's the big news for this week. Coming up next week, we will have some pictures of the boys' dinosaur-themed bathroom and an update on what Hillary's belly is looking like!

Stay Tuned...

Registry #2

Alright, so we finally decided it was time to give this registering thing another try. This time we headed to good 'ole Target. You can't go wrong with Target, especially if you both agree to not even look at strollers and car worked. Registering was super easy this time around. We were finished in under and hour, and we even still like each other when we were done!

To check out our Target registry click the link below:

Man, these boys are going to have some cool stuff, and we haven't even registered for clothes are very many toys!!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Twins Discount

Good News...We get a TWINS discount at Babies R Us!!!

We have recently found out that Babies R Us offers a 10% discount on all purchases of two matching items priced over $50. Both of the items have to be purchased on the same receipt, and we obviously don't expect many shower gifts over $50, but wanted to make everyone aware of this great opportunity to pair up and shop together for some good savings.

We have already received some great gifts for the boys, and several of you have been very gracious to loan Hillary some maternity clothes. It feels so great this early in the pregnancy to know how much support we have and how many people we are going to have for help when the two little one's get here.

Thanks so much for everything!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Ultrasound #4

March 5th marked the date of yet another Ultrasound for us to get a glimpse at what is going on inside Hillary's belly. The nurese had absolutely nothing but great things to say about both babies. Here are the stats followed by a few pics. Good luck figuring out what you are looking at!
  • Both babies are weighing in just over 11 ounces, with Baby B being slightly larger than Baby A.
  • Baby A and Baby B are both currently head down. Although ideal, this is bound to change many times over the next several months.
  • Heartbeats are strong (Baby A at 149 BPM and Baby B at 146 BPM)
  • Both babies are still definitely BOYS! In fact, Baby B is not at all shy about it and the nurse had to tell him to "put that thing away." Daddy's a proud papa...Ha!
Pics of Baby A:

Pics of Baby B:

On A Roll!

Last weekend was absolutely beautiful here in St. Louis, so Hillary and I had the chance to take Jersey and the twins to the park on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday was a quick visit to take a stroll along the Mississippi river, and on Sunday we walked two full laps around the lake with our friends Katie and Corey a.k.a. "The Law." It was great exercise and some much needed fresh air for Hillary who has been suffering with "all-day" sickness for almost three months now. We are happy to report however that today marked a full week of feeling great...hurry and knock on the closest piece of wood available. Before we headed out to the park on Saturday, I snapped this picture for everyone to see Hillary and the twins:

For those of you have not yet had a chance to meet ya go: